As you will be aware, study leave for Year 11 students starts at the end of the day on Wednesday 23rd May. Students have received all of the information here before; however, we felt that it would be useful to clarify what is happening before, during and after study leave starts for parents and carers as well.

Before study leave starts:
• Up until study leave starts full attendance is expected as usual from our students.
• Pre-exam briefings run before every exam. All students have a copy of the plan for the briefings. Morning briefings run from 8.45am to 9.05am and afternoon briefings run from 12.45pm to 1.05pm.
• There is a schedule of in school revision sessions before most of the exams. Again, students have a copy of this. Spare copies are available from reception.
• It is compulsory for students to attend the revision sessions before study leave starts. These sessions see teachers going through key revision points and giving reminders of exam technique guidance.

Study leave starts:
• On Wednesday 23rd May students attend school as normal. There are revision sessions for science during lesson 1 and 2 for all students.
• Students then undertake the Science exam in the afternoon.
• Once the exam is finished, students are free to leave school.
• NB – There are Maths revision classes on after-school so we would urge students to stick around for those.
• Please note that students are not allowed to have shirts signed on this day. There is an opportunity to bring shirts in to be signed at the leavers’ assembly in June.
• Please note that there is a maths exam on the morning of Thursday 24th May, so students really need to be revising in the evening on Wednesday 23rd May.

During study leave:
• Students are advised to attend all of the pre-exam briefings for their exams; however they are not compulsory.
• In school revision sessions also continue. In most cases they are voluntary. The school does reserve the right to make them compulsory for some students if it is needed. We encourage all students to see the value and attend.
• Students do need to wear normal school uniform for examinations and for revision sessions. The only exceptions are for the DT Graphics and Hospitality and Catering exams on the 19th June where as a small reward for having to have revised over the weekend, when their friends might have finished their exams, the students can wear their own clothes.
• For morning examinations, students need to arrive by 8.45am, for the pre-exam briefings or 9am for the start of the examination.
• For afternoon examinations students need to arrive by 12.45pm, for the pre-exam briefings or 1pm for the start of the examination.
• Students in receipt of free school meals will continue to receive them until they leave after their last exam.
• Students are very welcome to use the facilities in school to revise for their exams. We appreciate that many students will need to come in on the morning buses for example, even if they only have an afternoon exam.
• Students will need to sign in and out at reception so that we know if they are on site or not.
• If students are on site they will need to be in the library, unless they arrange to spend time with a particular teacher or are in a revision session.

If you have any questions about the arrangements for study leave, then please feel free to contact Mr Forster via the main school number (01543 267 400).

For specific queries about exam arrangements, please contact Mrs Archer, our Examinations Officer, via the main school number (01543 267 400).

Finally, please note that in all circumstances we strongly encourage students to attend all of their exams unless a medical practitioner has said that they should not. We are happy to support students if they are unwell and to ask the exam boards for special consideration in an examination. Experience has told us that it is always better to attempt an exam and to ask for special consideration, rather than to miss it completely.