Y11 Study Leave is due to start after Wednesday 24th May and from this point on students can choose to solely come in for their final exams. Every student has received a letter outlining the arrangements and a further copy will be posted directly home.

Equally, every student has been issued with a personalised exam timetable so will be clear when they need to be in.

The final days for Y11 students will see the following schedule:

Wednesday 24th May
AM Normal Lessons
PM GCSEScience(s) Exam (All students)

Thursday 25th May
AM GCSE Maths Exam (All students)
PM GCSE PE Exam (Some students)
PM English Literature Revision Classes (Optional)

Friday 26th May
AM GCSE English Literature – Prose & Poetry (All students)
PM Geography Revision Classes (Optional)

Students will be issued with a May School schedule later this week which will map out booster sessions being held over half-term. Attendance for these will be voluntary.

It has been made clear to all students that high standards of attendance and behaviour are required throughout the exam period.

All students are expected to attend each day up until Wednesday 24th May and attendance will be monitored in the usual way.

All students are clear that their involvement in school rewards depends on good conduct and attendance.

Invitations for the Leavers’ Assembly on Friday 23rd June will go out to students after half-term.

Similarly, School Prom attendance is reliant on every guest / student delivering on the attendance and conduct in the last couple of weeks.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “We are working hard in lessons, after school, on Saturdays, and in holidays to support our students through these exams. They are performing extremely well and it is so important they stay focused and disciplined until the last. We are hoping to see every student at the rewards events and are pleased that parents are so supportive in the run up to the exams.”